Edge Case: Nested and Mixed Lists
Nested and mixed lists are an interesting beast. It’s a corner case to make sure that
Nested and mixed lists are an interesting beast. It’s a corner case to make sure that
緣起 開發跨平台專案,時常需要同時了解Server與Client互動的關係與結果,過去,Server端一定要完成API的設計與開發,Client端才能依據文件與端口進行開發與測試,在Visaul Studio的跨平台方案,將Server與Client放在一起,本篇將介紹如何在內網的手機App存取內網的Server...
在Xamarin.Forms的Core專案要實現跨平台存取照相機、攝影機或相簿,要安裝設定MediaPlugin,請參考MediaPlugin by James Montemagno。
在Xamarin.Forms的Core專案要實現跨平台存取照相機、攝影機或相簿,要安裝設定MediaPlugin,請參考MediaPlugin by James Montemagno。
在Xamarin Forms跨平台存取Android的Activity,需要安裝與設定CurrentActivityPlugin才能達成,比如使用MediaPlugin在Android就需要用到,請參考Access the Current Android Activity from Anywhere,安裝步驟請參...
在Xamarin.Forms的Core專案要實現跨平台存取照相機、攝影機或相簿,要安裝設定MediaPlugin,請參考MediaPlugin by James Montemagno。
在Xamarin Forms跨平台存取Android的Activity,需要安裝與設定CurrentActivityPlugin才能達成,比如使用MediaPlugin在Android就需要用到,請參考Access the Current Android Activity from Anywhere,安裝步驟請參...
更新Ruby的套件 gem update bundle 只要更新到sass的套件,都會出現下列的錯誤
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
在Xamarin Forms跨平台存取Android的Activity,需要安裝與設定CurrentActivityPlugin才能達成,比如使用MediaPlugin在Android就需要用到,請參考Access the Current Android Activity from Anywhere,安裝步驟請參...
更新Ruby的套件 gem update bundle 只要更新到sass的套件,都會出現下列的錯誤
更新Ruby的套件 gem update bundle 只要更新到sass的套件,都會出現下列的錯誤
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...